First Post Jam Update
Sunken Shadows » Devlog

We’ve been hard at work improving the game. This update has been a good while in the making, and is improving the game significantly.
Feel free to give it a spin and let us know what you think.
Here’s the full list of changes:
- Add Twitter and Youtube buttons to main menu
- Fix room layout in floaty tower room
- Rework music logic to start intermediate track when entering a room
- Switch to tension music when there is more than one enemy
- Use cross shaped deadzone for movement on controllers
- Adjust player movement constants (speed, acceleration, wall jump)
- Sync music transitions and fades better to bars
- Add new levels
- Make lantern light blue to match textures
- Add rectract sounds to FloorTrap
- Fix items floating above the ground and create common base scene BaseItem
- Remove logging
- Fix room finished jingle not playing
- Reduce fade duration
- Stop all other music tracks after fading
- Crossfade music tracks based on nearby enemies
- Assign group enemy to all enemies
- Fix melee attack getting stuck and executing multiple times
- Make player hands metallic and less rough
- Convert ogg music files using ffmpeg
- Fix crystal respawn particles emitting at the start
- Fix blood decals being too large and not matching wall pixel size
- Increase main menu background size to cover whole screen and adjust noise to match scale
- Update player hand bone attachment transforms
- Remove BPM settings from all imported songs
- Add Discord button to main menu
- Fade out pause menu music after unpausing the game
- A little bit more reverb again
- Remove unused and very silent sound effect throw_knife_03.wav
- Fix errors due to unused tweens in MusicManager.fade_track
- Add randomized sample selection for walk and throw knife sounds in Player
- Adjust reverb settings to have less room
- Integrate new bomb fish sounds (explosion and proximity alert beeping)
- Update CrabMech bone transform
- Adjust MusicManager calls to new version (using play_intermission and switch_to_file)
- Disable editor mesh baking and try to place doors and enable traps in play mode
- Make coin sounds louder
- Add sound effects to FloorTrap
- Add new jingle for finishing rooms that matches new music tracks
- Rework MusicManager to allow for multitrack music
- Make crystal spawn particles local and adjust accel values
- Set new music to loop and 140 BPM
- Remove prefix from new music tracks
- Add new music tracks for ruins biome
- Reduce size of particle attractor for crystal respawning
- Update level files for rooms
- Create particle system and tween for spawning crystal
- Move arms backwards during dashing
- Move player light further up to light arms better
- Move hands to screen corners so they obstruct less of the screen
- Increase size of blood decals
- Add sensitivity settings for controller and mouse
- Fix error when player deals pull collision damage to enemies
- Increase Y size of BloodDecal and remove ORM texture
- Fix blood decal rotation logic
- Fix error in Item for HealthContainer (MeshInstance3D child not present)
- Fix errors in BloodManager when spawning decal on upward surface
- Add Skeleton shopkeeper model
- Update LevelEditor scene
- Fix wrong value range for retraction_speed in
- Update Player scene
- Upgrade project to Godot 4.1.1
- Play walk animation when moving on ground and add animation blending
- Disable looping on hand walk animation
- Warning about unused variable delta in BloodManager
- Weapon chain being way too long and not attaching to hand
- Crystals recharding immediately
- Use hand models in Player and attach weapon and crystal to them
- Add new player hand model
- Use BloodManager in Hurtbox and add to autoloads
- Chore: remove unused BloodDecal script
- Check for raycast normal being zero and rotate floor decals randomly
- Remove script, animation and timer from BloodDecal
- Import new blood decal textures
- Create first version of BloodManager for decals
- Adjust CrabMech collision shapes to fit where the legs end
- Disable Vase collision immediately when destroy and speed up anim
- Make items float towards player if they are close
- Only scale down coin model but not area
- Make coins bigger but scale them down when spawning from a vase
- Knife colliding with FloorTrap trigger area
- Spikes poking out of FloorTrap a little bit in hidden state
- 3D sounds not being audible in the editor play mode
- Baked mesh in editor being offset from GridMap
- Add new sand textures for rooms in 2nd biome
- Add new blood decal sprites
- Chore: update CrabMech arm transform
- Left over objects when playing different levels from editor
- controlsMenu not asking to save after pressing reset
- Accidentally overwriting rooms when teleporting back in DungeonGenerator
- Not being able to use controller B button for remapping
- Only show save controls changes dialog when the user made changes
- Refactor: extract controls saving, loading and changing to ControlsManager
- Implement saving and loading of controls settings
- Extract ChestGlowMaterial to its own file
- Create Upgrade animation and VFX
- Refactor Snail attack offset to use connect instead of await
- Enemy markers being shown on already dead enemies
- Stagger enemy spawning randomly for better performance
- Pre-instantiate enemy scenes in Spawner
- Extranous whitespace in
- Don’t render mini map for boss fight
- Enable branching in DungeonGenerator again
- Missing doors in dungeon when resetting position after dead end
- Delay Vase breaking sound and animation and speed up animation
- Missing input actions for going up and down in the editor
- Remove unused block input action
- Make SettingsMenu usable with controller and close credits with B
- Improve controller navigation across all menus
- Add action ui_back that is mapped to controller B
- Warning about unused parameter amount in Vase.take_damage
- Remove old ControlsOverlay
- Open ControlsMenu from MainMenu and PauseMenu
- Remove unused actions move_up and move_down
- Add reset button to ControlsMenu
- Increase icon size and add right padding to entries
- Previous actions not being removed when remapping
- Close button not working
- Disable focus of Change buttons to prevent triggering when assigning space
- Create ControlsMenu for remapping
- Add keyboard and Xbox controller icons from
- Missing mesh for Vase placeholder and replace collision with box
- Allow melee attacks on vases and other environment objects
- Scale up Coin a bit more again
- Match unbroken Vase model position and material to animated version
- Update player vignette animations
- Scale down coin model
- Add breakable vases
- Coin sound not playing on pickup
- Make crystal sound FX quieter
- Disable branching in DungeonGenerator for now (creates blocked doors)
- Play chest pickup sound
- Play player damage and heal sounds
- Play coin pickup sound
- Add new sound effects
- Shrink crab projectile particle AABB by a lot
- Prevent CrabMech from hurting itself with its own projectile
- Reduce size of both hurtboxes for CrabMech
- Make melee animation faster
- Disable collision of knife with Geyser
- Reset room variables when starting play mode in editor
- Disable external collision detection for items
- Reduce Geyser force and on time
- Scale down Geyser model, particles and trigger area
- Disable traps when room is cleared
- Warning about seed parameter name in ShakeableCamera
- Don’t pick up health item when already at full health
- Implement screen shake setting
- Implement screen shake when player takes damage
- Add vignette effect for taking damage, healing, picking up gold
- Remove color changes from coral shader
- Add branching to dungeon floor generator
- Create animated coral shader and scene for CoralMimic
- Import coral mimic model
- Replace random shortcut doors with counters and prevent for floor exit
- Implement random creation of doors between neighboring rooms
- Clear placeholder tiles on TileMap
- Implement drunkard walk based dungeon generator and draw mini map
- Type error when calling MiniMap.set_rooms
- Wrong player indicator position on map
- Unused param value in MiniMap.set_room_visited
- Move chest up
- Add MiniMap to HUD and update player position on it
- Disable automatic blender import
- Create MiniMap
- Remove stock Godot SVG icon
- Add custom icon
- Square chest glow outline and circular appearance
- Level editor not activating lamps or chests in play mode
- Errors in Chest
- Lock chest after collecting content
- Spawn Chest in place of yellow block
- Adjust glow mesh vertical position
- Chest animation not having keyframes
- Adjust chest glow effect to look more stable
- Missing texture on throne
- Show glow only when chest is open
- Create chest scene and add glow shader
- Fix weapon colliding with Explosion hitbox causing it to miss BombFish
- Saving and loading of bus volumes, auto load on start and save on close settings
- Implement saving and loading of settings
- Reduce BombFish eye emission for more accurate color
- Add fullscreen toggle
- Increase window override size (2x resolution)
- Make 32bit filter option with toggle in settings
- Increase color depth and decrease resolution scale for PS1 shader
- Reset to smaller resolution
- Remove extraneous whitespace from
- Picking up weapon when pulling and player is close to it
- Make game full screen and use 1080p as base resolution
- Add PSX post processing shader to player camera
- Move throw crystal to LB on controller
- Throw knife action being unreliable on controller
- Allow pressing menu buttons with A on controller
- Add doc comment for MeshBaker.determine_colliders
- Enabled gravity in editor play mode again
- Pull right right click when weapon is thrown
- Play sound when trying to pull and not attached
- Add collision exception for melee hitbox to weapon raycast
- Error when creating baked colliders
- Add colliders for baked mesh and fix face rotations
- Remove extraneous whitespace from GDScript files
- Create MeshBaker that merges grid map cubes into single mesh
- Enable occlusion culling
- Randomize flamer timings a little so their sounds don’t play at the exact same time
- Reduce flame trap sound volume massively
Files 40 MB
Sep 26, 2023 40 MB
Sep 26, 2023 64 MB
Sep 26, 2023
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Sunken Shadows
First person roguelike with 32-bit graphics set in an underwater city
Status | In development |
Authors | Alghost, october_stereo, mikoolec |
Genre | Action |
Tags | 3D, FPS, grapple, PSX (PlayStation), Retro, Roguelike |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly, Configurable controls, Interactive tutorial |
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